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Adverbs in Extremaduran
Adverbs in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ADVERBS¨ in Extremaduran

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Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Asking Directions & Seasons.

Adverbs in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

Never Nunca noon kah Nunca
Sometimes Algunas vezis ahl gou nahs veh zihs Ás vezes
Often Muchas vezis mou chahs veh zihs Freqüentemente
Usually En general ehn heh neh rahl Usualmente
Seldom No muchas vezis noh mou chahs veh zihs Raramente
Rarely Pocas vezis poh kahs veh zihs Raramente
Normally Normalmente nohr mahl mehn teh Normalmente
Always Siempre syehm preh Sempre
Last year L´añu passau lah nyou pah sah ou Ano passado
Last month El mes passau ehl mehs pah sah ou Mês passado
Last week La semana passá lah seh mah nah pah sah Semana Anterior
Yesterday Ayel ah jehl Ontem
Today Hoy (ES) oh ih Hoje
Tomorrow Mañana mah nyah nah Amanhã
Later Después dehs pou ehs Mais tarde
Soon Luego lou eh goh Em breve
Now Agora ah goh rah Agora
Tonight Ena nochi eh nah noh chih Esta noite
Already Ya jah
Then Entonces ehn tohn sehs Então
Here Aqui ah kih Aqui
There Allí ahl lih
Far Lejos leh hohs Longe
Nearby Cerca sehr kah Próximo
Inside Nel interior nehl ihn teh rih ohr Lado de dentro
Outside Fuera de ... fou eh rah deh ... Lado de fora

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