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Essencial Phrases in Extremaduran
Essencial Phrases in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ESSENCIAL PHRASES¨ in Extremaduran

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Asking Directions & Verbs in Extremaduran.

Essencial Phrases in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

Cheers! Ola  ! oh lah Saúde!
Do you speak


Tú palrás

ingrés ?

tou pahl rahs

ihn grehs

Você fala


Do you speak

Extremadurian ?

Tú palrás

extremeñu ?

tou pahl rahs

ehks treh meh nyou

Você fala

Extremenho ?

Do you understand? Tú comprendas ? tou kohm prehn dahs Você entende?
Excuse me! Disculpa ! dihs kool pah Com licença!
Fire! Huegu ! ou eh gou Fogo!
Good morning Buenus días bou eh noos dih ahs Bom dia
Good afternoon Buenas tardis bou eh nahs tahr dihs Boa tarde
Good evening  Buenas tardis bou eh nahs tahr dihs Boa tarde
Good night Buenas nochis bou eh nahs noh chihs Boa noite
Goodbye Adiós ! ah dih ohs Tchau!
Hello! Ola ! oh lah Olá
Help! Ayúa ! ah ih ou ah Socorro!
Hi! Ola ! oh lah Oi!
How are you? Cómu andamus ? koh mou ahn dah mous Como vai?
How do you say ...

in Extremadurian ?

Cómu se palras ... a l`extremeñu ? koh mou seh pahl rahs ... ah

lehks treh meh nyou

Como você fala ...

em Extremenho ?

How much is this? A cómu está ? ah koh mou ehs tah Quanto é?
I don't understand Yo no comprendu joh noh kohm prehn dou Eu não entendo
I love you Yo te quieru joh teh kih eh rou Eu te amo
I understand Yo comprendu joh kohm prehn dou Eu entendo
What is

your name ?

Cómu te

llamas ?

koh mou teh

lyah mahs

Qual é

seu nome ?

My name is ... Me llamu ... meh lyah mou ... Meu nome é ...
Over there  allá ahl lah Bem ali!
Please Has el favol ahs ehl fah vohl Por favor!
Please say

that again

Haga el favol, me lo vuelva a dizil ah gah ehl fah vohl, meh loh

vou ehl vah ah dih zeel

Por favor, fale novamente
Please speak

more slowly

Has el favol, palra más lentu ahs ehl fah vohl, pahl rah

mahs lehn tou

Por favor,

fale mais devagar

Pleased to meet you Tantu gustu tahn tou goos tou Muito prazer!
I am fine, thanks Yo soi bien, gracias joh soy bih ehn, grah sih ahs Eu tô bem, Obrigado
You´re welcome Muchas vezis moh chahs veh zihs De nada
Sorry Perdón pehr dohn Desculpe!
Thank you

very much

Muchas gracias mou chahs grah sih ahs Muito


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