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Adjectives in Extremaduran
Adjectives in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ADJECTIVES¨ in Extremaduran

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After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Days of the Week & Problems in Extremaduran.

Adjectives in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

big (m) / Grandi grahn dih grande / 
big (f) Grandi grahn dih grande (fem)
other (m) / Utru ou trou outro /
other (f) Utra ou trou outra
large (m) / Largo lahr goh largo /
large (f) Larga lahr goh larga
heavy (m) / Pesau peh sah ou pesado /
heavy (f) Pesá peh sah pesada
small (m) / Pequeñu peh keh nyou pequeno /
small (f) Pequeña peh keh nyah pequena
short (m) / Cortu kohr tou curto /
short (f) Corta kohr tah curta
thin (m) / Delgau dehl gah ou magro /
thin (f) Delgá dehl gah magra
good (m) / Buen bou ehn bom /
good (f) Buena bou eh nah boa
dry (m) / Secu seh kou seco /
dry (f) Seca seh kah seca
dirty (m) / Sucio (ES) sou syoh sujo /
dirty (f) Sucia (ES) sou syah suja
wet (m) / Mojado (ES) moh hah doh úmido /
wet (f) Mojada (ES) moh hah dah úmida
correct (m) / Correctu (ES) koh rehk tou correto /
correct (f) Correcta (ES) koh rehk tah correta
old (m) / Viejo vyeh hoh velho /
old (f) Vieja vyeh hah velha
new (m) / Nuevu nou eh vou novo /
new (f) Nueva nou eh vah nova
full (m) / Llenu lyeh nou cheio /
full (f) Llena lyeh nah cheia
cold (m) / Fríu frih ou frio /
cold (f) Fría frih ah fria
warm (m) / Caliente (ES) kah lyehn teh quente /
warm (f) Caliente (ES) kah lyehn teh quente (fem)

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