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◀️ Personal Pronouns — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Relationship Terms ▶️

AssameseVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Family and Relationships → Family Members

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will explore the vocabulary related to family members in Assamese. Family plays a significant role in Assamese culture, and understanding these terms will help you communicate effectively with native speakers and deepen your understanding of Assamese society. We will cover words for immediate family members, extended family members, and other important relationships. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently talk about your family and understand conversations about family relationships in Assamese.

Immediate Family Members[edit | edit source]

Let's start by learning the Assamese words for immediate family members. These are the closest relatives who usually live together and share strong emotional bonds.

Mother[edit | edit source]

The word for mother in Assamese is "মা" (ma). It is pronounced as [ma].

Assamese Pronunciation English
মা [ma] mother

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ মা খুব মানৈ আছে। (Mor ma khub manoi achhe.) - My mother is very kind.
  • মোৰ মা মৰমেহ আছে। (Mor ma moromeh achhe.) - My mother has diabetes.

Father[edit | edit source]

The word for father in Assamese is "বাপ" (bap). It is pronounced as [bap].

Assamese Pronunciation English
বাপ [bap] father

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ বাপ অত্যন্ত শ্ৰদ্ধালু আৰু কাঠোৱা মানুহ। (Mor bap atyant sroddhalu aru kathowar manuh.) - My father is very respectful and hardworking.
  • মোৰ বাপ এখন চাকৰীত আছে। (Mor bap ekhon chakrit achhe.) - My father is currently employed.

Sibling[edit | edit source]

The word for sibling in Assamese is "ভাই" (bhai) for brother and "বেহেন" (behen) for sister. They are pronounced as [bhai] and [behen] respectively.

Assamese Pronunciation English
ভাই [bhai] brother
বেহেন [behen] sister

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ ভাই বহু ধনী হৈছে। (Mor bhai bahu dhani hoise.) - My brother is very wealthy.
  • মোৰ বেহেন শিক্ষিত আৰু সহজলভ। (Mor behen shikkhit aru sojolobh.) - My sister is educated and approachable.

Son[edit | edit source]

The word for son in Assamese is "ছোৱাল" (sowal). It is pronounced as [sowal].

Assamese Pronunciation English
ছোৱাল [sowal] son

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ ছোৱাল সময়দিন সমৰ্পণশীল আৰু প্ৰেয়স্বাধীন। (Mor sowal somoydin somorponshil aru preyswadhinn.) - My son is dedicated and independent.
  • মোৰ ছোৱালৰ প্ৰেম মাৰ্গৰ্দ্ধন কৰে। (Mor sowalor prem margardhnon kore.) - My son pursues love as a career.

Daughter[edit | edit source]

The word for daughter in Assamese is "কন্যা" (kanya). It is pronounced as [kanya].

Assamese Pronunciation English
কন্যা [kanya] daughter

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ কন্যা বহু সুন্দৰ আৰু উজ্জ্বল হৈছে। (Mor kanya bahu sundor aru ujjwal hoise.) - My daughter is very beautiful and bright.
  • মোৰ কন্যা অত্যন্ত মেধাৱী। (Mor kanya atyant medhawi.) - My daughter is extremely intelligent.

Extended Family Members[edit | edit source]

Now let's move on to learning the Assamese words for extended family members. These are relatives who are not part of the immediate family but still hold significant importance in Assamese culture.

Grandfather[edit | edit source]

The word for grandfather in Assamese is "দাদা" (dada). It is pronounced as [dada].

Assamese Pronunciation English
দাদা [dada] grandfather

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ দাদা সুস্থ আৰু জনপ্ৰিয়। (Mor dada sushtho aru jonopriyo.) - My grandfather is healthy and popular.
  • মোৰ দাদা খুব শিক্ষিত আৰু অধিকমাত্ৰাৰ সমৃদ্ধ। (Mor dada khub shikkhit aru odhikmatrar samriddho.) - My grandfather is highly educated and financially stable.

Grandmother[edit | edit source]

The word for grandmother in Assamese is "বুবা" (buba). It is pronounced as [buba].

Assamese Pronunciation English
বুবা [buba] grandmother

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ বুবা আনন্দময়ী আৰু কাঠোৱা মানুহ। (Mor buba anondomoi aru kathowar manuh.) - My grandmother is joyful and hardworking.
  • মোৰ বুবা অত্যন্ত প্ৰিয়মণি। (Mor buba atyant priyomoni.) - My grandmother is extremely loving.

Uncle[edit | edit source]

The word for uncle in Assamese is "যিয়া" (jiya). It is pronounced as [jiya].

Assamese Pronunciation English
যিয়া [jiya] uncle

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ যিয়া সহজলভ আৰু সম্প্ৰেক্ষিত হৈছে। (Mor jiya sojolobh aru somprekshit hoise.) - My uncle is approachable and helpful.
  • মোৰ যিয়া একেলৈ বিদেশত আছে। (Mor jiya ekeloi bidesh'th achhe.) - My uncle is currently abroad.

Aunt[edit | edit source]

The word for aunt in Assamese is "ঠৈয়া" (thaiya). It is pronounced as [thaiya].

Assamese Pronunciation English
ঠৈয়া [thaiya] aunt

Example sentences:

  • মোৰ ঠৈয়া সুস্থ আৰু অধিকমাত্ৰাৰ সমৃদ্ধ। (Mor thaiya sushtho aru odhikmatrar samriddho.) - My aunt is healthy and financially stable.
  • মোৰ ঠৈয়া মানুহ সহজলভ আৰু সহায়ক। (Mor thaiya manuh sojolobh aru shahayok.) - My aunt is approachable and supportive.

Other Important Relationships[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents - Assamese Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Introduction to Assamese Script

Greetings and Introductions

Basic Sentence Structure

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Pronouns

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Dining

Adjectives and Adverbs

Travel and Transportation

Assamese Festivals and Traditions

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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