Italian Language Exchange

Event description

  • Dátum: Apr 08, 2015
  • Time: 13:40
  • Adresa: Address visible for attendees
  • Number of Attendees expected: 1
  • MAX number of attendees: 6
  • Telefónne číslo: 954-261-6578


*16 febbraio - February 16: Mi dispiace ma, perché ci sono troppe tempeste di neve e tanti amaramente freddo giorni  - I'm sorry but, because we have been having so many blizzards and bitterly cold days (I don't know how to write that): I am postponing the meetings until further notice.   :(

I recently moved - back- to Winthrop and am interested in improving my Italian language skills and helping others to improve as well. All levels welcome. I've only formally studied Italian for a few semesters, but it's been difficult for me to really get the hang of it. I still believe that I can and will get better at it.

I am hoping to find others interested in learning and improving their Italian language skills in a judgement free zone, no pressure - while sipping on some cappuccino, coffee, or tea :)

We will meet at the Winthrop Book Depot at 1PM on Wednesdays - which is subject to change - based on interest and availability.

Spero ci vediamo a presto,


Hovoria o nás!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Girasole14 profile picture Girasole14February 2015

I apologize for the late notice, but due to weather the meeting(s) will be postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

sarayounis profile picture sarayounisFebruary 2015


vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2014
Thanks for proposal ! Vince, admin