Italian Language Exchange

Descripción del evento

  • Fecha: Apr 08, 2015
  • Tiempo: 13:40
  • Dirección: Dirección visible para los asistentes
  • Número de Asistentes previsto: 1
  • Máximo numero de asistentes: 6
  • Número de teléfono: 954-261-6578


*16 febbraio - February 16: Mi dispiace ma, perché ci sono troppe tempeste di neve e tanti amaramente freddo giorni  - I'm sorry but, because we have been having so many blizzards and bitterly cold days (I don't know how to write that): I am postponing the meetings until further notice.   :(

I recently moved - back- to Winthrop and am interested in improving my Italian language skills and helping others to improve as well. All levels welcome. I've only formally studied Italian for a few semesters, but it's been difficult for me to really get the hang of it. I still believe that I can and will get better at it.

I am hoping to find others interested in learning and improving their Italian language skills in a judgement free zone, no pressure - while sipping on some cappuccino, coffee, or tea :)

We will meet at the Winthrop Book Depot at 1PM on Wednesdays - which is subject to change - based on interest and availability.

Spero ci vediamo a presto,


¡Hablan de nosotros!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Girasole14 profile picture Girasole14February 2015

I apologize for the late notice, but due to weather the meeting(s) will be postponed until further notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

vincent profile picture vincentDecember 2014
Thanks for proposal ! Vince, admin