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How use "بشكل" ?

Baraka Allahu fikum

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RANDAAAH profile picture RANDAAAHMarch 2018
بشكل means in a way and this word is NOT defined,
so if you want to use it in sentence you could say (for example): i will be in the room in a way...which means in Arabic...سوف أكون بالغرفة بشكل....this sentence means that you have to be in you room whatever that way will be ...run, walk...
and this word بشكل you can use it in many ways..
1- بالشكل and it defined with ال , and this word must add something to it to complete the sentence..for example: i am learning math in the conventional way..this sentence means أنا أتعلم الرياضيات بالشكل المتعارف عليه

2- بهذا الشكل: its defined with two things: ال , هذا, and you have to notice that ب added to هذا word ..and its means that i am doing that thing in specific way
for example: i am playing the game in this way ....it means that i am playing in specific way...and in arabic is : أنا ألعب اللعبة بهذا الشكل and there is no way to play just this way (the way that i am telling you about)...

i hope that you understand me...if you need any help i can help you..
have a nice day
yasser1995 profile picture yasser1995February 2018

ب: حرف جر مثل ما نكتب في الانجليزية By أو في الفرنسية Par

شكل = نوعأو طريقة أو بالانجليزية Way

Ebrahim-abdallh profile picture Ebrahim-abdallhFebruary 2018
مثال : بشكل من الأشكال هرب السجين من السجن

الجمعة 15 جمادي الأولى 1439
Yasceine_Bahbouh profile picture Yasceine_BahbouhFebruary 2018
can you give any context? it is so difficult to understand your ultimate goal!
yasser1995 profile picture yasser1995February 2018
مثال: أنا أستطيع اللعب [بأي شكل من الاشكال
I can play by any way