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100% GOOD (7 votes)beantwoordTaalvraag
how to respond "ahlan"

i know it means something like "hi" , i wonder how it is responded i know there are many many ways to respond it, but could you guys tell me the most common one?

PS: Immerse yourself in these free Standard Arabic lessons: Free resource: THE CASES OR DECLENSION OF NOUNS (Subjet, Direct and Indirec objects)SocietyElectionTypes of Sentences


Slimoxico profile picture SlimoxicoNovember 2014
the most common one is saying the same "ahlan", the most polite one is saying "ahlan wa sahlan", but it doesn't really mean "hi", it means "welcome" the difference is that "ahlan" could be used as a greeting in arabic.
Mona00Mostafa profile picture Mona00MostafaAugust 2021
The literal meaning of the word “Ahlan = Welcome” is you are a member of the family, then we bring the other half of the greeting, which is ”Sahlan =Easy”, and this means that you feel comfortable between us.
”Ahlan wa Sahlan” literally, means feel you’re home.

In Arabic, there is many ways to respond to greetings, so when someone says ”Ahlan” you can respond:
- Ahlan wa sahlan
- Ahlan beka
- Ahlan
naadaa1 profile picture naadaa1August 2014
just say ahlan or ahlan bik
Abeeralchooq profile picture AbeeralchooqJune 2023
أهلا بك
أهلا وسهلا
مرحبا بك
Shaimaa-awad profile picture Shaimaa-awadMarch 2017
ahlan w sahlan
  • Muhammad1960 profile picture Muhammad1960March 2017
    السلاعليكم ياختي في دين السلام هي ما نقول لكن في اللغة نجليزية هناك كثير شيوعاهو مرحاب مع ابتسا مة كل عالم نحن سوف تحصل على الرد انشاء الله اسف لست بلاقة اللغتي عربية الحمد الله اعلمت نفي لكني اريد مساعد ة بها ممكن نحن أسطيع تبادل بيننا انا سعيد قابلتك جزاك الله خير عفوان الامي ليساني هي انجليزية اخك محمد
anasz3z3 profile picture anasz3z3September 2015
ahlan wa sahlan//ahlan beek or ahlan feek//ya marhaba//
AhmadRabaia profile picture AhmadRabaiaDecember 2014
Ahlan means Welcome
And you can respond "Ahlan Beek"