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Hi all. How to say, "I have checked with them" in Levantine Arabic. (e.g. I have checked the validity of a document with the immigration office, so I just want to say I have checked with them)


HealerChafia profile picture HealerChafiaJuly 2016

The verb to check has got several meanings.... In this context, it is preferable to say the following:

لقد قمتُ بالتّأكُدِ من صلاحيّة الوثيقة (وثيقة) في مكتب الهجرة. I have checked the validity of a document with the immigration office.

If you want to cut it short to say : I have checked with them, you can also say the following  لقد راجعت ذلك معهم

Ronaldita profile picture RonalditaJuly 2016
لقد راجعت معهم