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Hi all. How to say, "I have checked with them" in Levantine Arabic. (e.g. I have checked the validity of a document with the immigration office, so I just want to say I have checked with them)


HealerChafia profile picture HealerChafiaJuly 2016

The verb to check has got several meanings.... In this context, it is preferable to say the following:

لقد قمتُ بالتّأكُدِ من صلاحيّة الوثيقة (وثيقة) في مكتب الهجرة. I have checked the validity of a document with the immigration office.

If you want to cut it short to say : I have checked with them, you can also say the following  لقد راجعت ذلك معهم

Ronaldita profile picture RonalditaJuly 2016
or لقد راجعت ذلك معهم
Ronaldita profile picture RonalditaJuly 2016
لقد راجعت معهم