Happy girl searching for Russian Natives ! SKYPE MIC ONLY

75% GOOD (4 votes)


Im a happy girl and my native languages are ENGLISH + FRENCH + ARABIC


I am searching for a RUSSIAN NATIVE to practice !


I can read + write russian and I studied russian grammar before but I am not good at speaking or understanding when spoken to !


If you think you can help!


Add me on SKYPE


my skype id is : Caramenne


Paka !


Justravindersingh profile picture JustravindersinghAugust 2015

Learn Russian on skype free by just goin here.. http://preply.com/en/russian-by-skype

Learning provided by Russian tutors for free and can be joined on preply.com

All the tutors are Internationally Certified Tutors...


abdounounou826 profile picture abdounounou826June 2015

Hello !! hi every one!! i'am searching for a nice girl

Alex_TLT profile picture Alex_TLTAugust 2012
I can help you too
Krevetka profile picture KrevetkaAugust 2012
i can help u with Russian