Happy girl searching for Russian Natives ! SKYPE MIC ONLY

75% GOOD (4 votes)


Im a happy girl and my native languages are ENGLISH + FRENCH + ARABIC


I am searching for a RUSSIAN NATIVE to practice !


I can read + write russian and I studied russian grammar before but I am not good at speaking or understanding when spoken to !


If you think you can help!


Add me on SKYPE


my skype id is : Caramenne


Paka !


Justravindersingh profile picture JustravindersinghAugust 2015

Learn Russian on skype free by just goin here.. http://preply.com/en/russian-by-skype

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All the tutors are Internationally Certified Tutors...


abdounounou826 profile picture abdounounou826June 2015
i can help you to
abdounounou826 profile picture abdounounou826June 2015

Hello !! hi every one!! i'am searching for a nice girl

Alex_TLT profile picture Alex_TLTAugust 2012
I can help you too
Krevetka profile picture KrevetkaAugust 2012
i can help u with Russian