
Text de - 官話

  • 短信/电子邮件

  • 我的翻译作业! Originally they were only friends, and didn't start dating until a couple of months ago.
    • 原来他们只是普通的朋友, 直到两个月时开始谈恋爱。 Because they had a certain understanding about each other, they were not worried that a long-distance romance would bring them any trouble.
    • 因为他们有互相有一定的了解,他们不怕长途的爱情会造成任何麻烦。 They often sent short messages and write emails to each other.
    • 他们常常发送短信和电子邮件 Even though they didn't meet often, their relationship has developed quite successfully.
    • 甚至他们很少有机会见面,他们的爱情发展很顺利的。 2.
  • It is quite dangerous to use a cellular phone in the car to chat with your friends.
  • 开车的时候用手机跟你的朋友聊天很危险。 It is quite possible that either you will hit someone or someone will hit you if you don't pay attention while driving.
    • 要是你开车的时候不小心,有一定的可能你会撞到别人后者别的人会撞到你。 3.
  • Sending text messages is no more troublesome than making a phone call; especially if you don't like to waste time chatting with people, sending text messages can be said to be a convenient method of communication.
    • 发送短信不比打电话麻烦;尤其你要是不喜欢浪费时间聊天, 发送短信就是很方便的通信。 No wonder nowadays young people love sending textmessages. 难怪如今念经人爱发送短信。