Aomi Japanese Speaking Write a review about this language tool.

3 out of 5 based on 2 user ratings.

Tool description

  • Category: Mobile App
  • Minimum Price: 24 €


A mobile app for practicing Japanese speaking through daily lessons. Lesson content consists of words and expressions from everyday speech of native speakers. Japanese pitch accent visualization technology analyzes your pronunciation and compares it with the native speaker’s one visually.

I like...

- Useful phrases for communication that Japanese people use in everyday life, with examples of usage
- Onomatopoeic words with examples of usage and illustrations that help to understand the meaning
- The most common idioms used in life also with examples of usage
- Content is voiced by real native speakers (not a robot)
- App visualizes your pitch-accent (the rise and fall in the pitch in a word or phrase)
- App also compares your pronunciation to the native speaker’s one and shows the percentage of pronunciation match
- All speaking lessons are based on spaced repetition method, so you memorize things naturally

I don’t like...

- Not for beginner level (requires some basic reading skills)
- There is no transcription in romaji
- There are no grammar lessons
- Technology analyzes your pitch accent (the rise and fall in the pitch in a word or phrase) pretty well, but it does not analyze the meaning of what is said.
- No monthly subscription, only a one-year subscription or 1-time purchase of lifetime access

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