Balsuok dabar!AtsakytaLanguage Question
Hi, I'm learning german and have trouble trying to construct sentences, looking for someone to help me! Your help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

PS: Uncover free German lessons: Free tips: Personal PronounsTalking About HealthMapsUsing Time Expressions


GRspeak profile picture GRspeakOctober 2017
No this number plz:. +905377984603
GRspeak profile picture GRspeakOctober 2017
Hi I'm learning German and looking for someone who i can practice with ,this is my whtassapp number,if anyone pleased pls text me:+909354676564
Duc_ profile picture Duc_September 2017
There is no big difference between english and german sentences. Both contain subject, predicate, and eventually object as main sentence. A certain rearrangementof these elements turns them into questions. "Du gehst"-> "Gehst Du?"

Also they can be enriched with subordinate clauses, where the german ability to embrace these with composite verbs like brackets in mathematical terms and an appropriate usage of kommata may build up whole paragraphs consisting of just only one sentence, the preferred style of lawyers or old-fashioned bureaucrats.

That's all.