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Hello everyone! 👋

In today's lesson, we will dive into the world of German vocabulary related to ¨MAPS¨. By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to navigate your way through the German-speaking world with ease. 🗺️

As you explore this lesson, feel free to edit the page by adding new words and expressions to enhance your learning experience. And don't forget, after mastering the map vocabulary, you can also expand your German language skills by checking out other related pages, such as Swiss German Vocabulary - Animals, Buying Groceries, and Greetings.

Happy learning and viel Spaß! 😊

Some words for Maps in German[edit | edit source]








01 North / N / 0° / nohr dehn Norden / 0° / nor den Norte
02 North east / 45° / nohr dohsh tehn Nordosten / 45° / nor doch ten Nordeste
03 East / 90° / ohs tehn Osten / 90° / os ten Leste
04 South east / 135° sew dohsh tehn Südosten / 135° / syy doch ten Sudeste
05 South / 180° / sew dehn Süden / 180° / syy den Sul
06 South west / 225° / sewd vehsh tehn Südwesten / 225° / syyd ves ten Sudoeste
07 West / 270° / vehsh tehn Westen / 270° / ves ten Oeste
08 North west / 315° nohrt vehsh tehn Nordwesten / 315° / nort ves ten Noroeste
09 The globe dehr gloh bous Der Globus dér glo bus O Globo
10 The atlas dehr ah tlahs Der Atlas dér a tlas O atlas
11 The topographic map dee lahnt kahr tehn Die Landkarten dii lant kar ten O mapa topográfico
12 The city map dehr shtaat plahn Der Stadtplan dér chtaat plan O mapa da cidade
13 The road map dee strah sehn kahr teh Die Strassenkarte dii stra se kar te O roteiro
14 The metro map dee ou bahn kahr teh Die U-Bahnkarte dii u ban kar te O mapa do tubo
15 The nautical chart dee zeh kahr teh Die Seekarte dii zee kar te A carta náutica
16 The star chart dee hih mehls kahr teh Die Himmelskarte dii Hi meLs kar te O gráfico de estrelas


Cardinal directions / Himmelsrichtungen[edit | edit source]

N - 0°- Norden - north
NO - 45° - Nordosten - north east
O - 90° - Osten - east
SO - 135° - Südosten - south east
S - 180° - Süden - south
SW - 225° - Südwesten - south west
W - 270° - Westen - west
NW - 315° - Nordwesten - nothwest

Map types / Karten Arten[edit | edit source]

Globus - globe
Atlas - atlas
Landkarten - topographic map
Stadtplan - city map
Strassenkarte - road map
Streckenplan - tube map
Seekarte - nautical chart
Himmelskarte - star chart

Terms / Begriffe[edit | edit source]

Koordinaten - coordinates
Längengrad (Länge, geographische Länge) - longitude
Breitengrad (Breite, geographische Breite) - latitude
äquator - equator
Gitter - grid

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