GIVE ANSWERS - ქართული ენა

100% GOOD (1 votes)OnbeantwoordTaalvraag
Could you help me by telling me where could I find a website to learn? Or a book eventualy?


I'm found of Georgia and I really want to learn Georgian language which is to me extremely beautiful :)

If you're interrested to learn french I can help you with pleasure :)
Many many thanks by advance!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Georgian: Learning class: Polite PhrasesPluralNominative CaseAdjectives Degrees


Otar profile picture OtarNovember 2019
Hello! Georgian is native language for me, so i can help you with pleasure
MahyaMashayekhi profile picture MahyaMashayekhiJuly 2019
I'm fond of=I'm interested in
which is extremely beautiful to me.