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I would like some help with Georgian


I am a Dutch guy who is very interested in learning the Georgian language.

There aren't many resources on the internet that help you learn Georgian in a really good way, most of it you have to do on your own.

For example, Google translate doesn't even have a 'listening'-option for Georgian, so I can't quickly find pronunciations if I needed it.


My knowledge on the Georgian language so far is pretty basic, but it's a strong foundation that I can use to learn further.

- I know the whole Georgian alphabet & script and can write and read words without a problem (but Georgian > English is still pretty slow), the only problem is knowing what the words mean, but that's normal for a beginner. 

- I know the numbers 1-20 and know a little bit how the counting system works, and I would like to learn how that works soon.

- I know the days of the week, the months of the year and a lot of random words like body parts or colors.

- I know some phrases, greetings, questions and answers (like: How are you, I am well. etc.)


What I would like is a/some friend(s) who are native Georgian speakers that can speak English well (so there's no language barrier) and that would like to help a non-native speaker learn the Georgian language :)

What I need is just some advice how to learn the best way, help with pronunciation and answers questions I will probably have a lot of in the future.

Having people that are willing to help me with motivate me even more to learn and keep practising :)


Thank you so much for reading and I hope you can help me improve my Georgian!

Just send me a message or add me on Skype: SirExotic (if you add me on skype, please tell me you're Georgian, because I get lots of skype requests)

PS: Try out these free Georgian learning lessons: Tips: Accusative CasePossessive pronounsQuestionsUseful phrases


espanola1999 profile picture espanola1999May 2018
I can help!
ekaterine_ profile picture ekaterine_February 2018
Good luck Dutch guy . Here we are to assist you ☺