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what's the easiest way to nail imparfait? im having some troubles with it!

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maud_vuail profile picture maud_vuailApril 2018
Hello! It depends, do you have trouble learning the endings or the use of the tense ? for the endings : just learn ais /ais / ait / (subject on = -ait) / iez / -aient (we don't use "we" that much anyways, it would be -ions). When it comes to when to use it, it has two main uses : the equivalent of "I used to ..." in English, and "I was doing that".
I used to smoke : autrefois je fumais
I was sleeping when you came in. = je dormais quand tu es entré dans la pièce.

liberhadi profile picture liberhadiMay 2018
what kind of trouble you have with?
themaster profile picture themasterApril 2018
C'est très facile! Tout d'abord, Il faut apprendre les terminaisons par cœur puis savoir conjuguer votre verbe. I was thinking about changing some sentences=Je pensais à changer quelques expressions. So : Manger: mange(ais),mange(ait),mang(ions),mang(iez),mang(eaient). Bon courage!