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wrap financials - How can I translate it?


Could you please help me translate sentence

wrap financials

in context

So, I ironed out our customer acquisition strategy, and I wrapped our financials. I did a DCF valuation.

I understand that it means something like "to finish financial calculations", but what is the undertone?

Thanks a lot!

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AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgFebruary 2022

My understanding is that ”I wrapped our financials” is not about finishing financial calculations in your context. To describe finishing something, in English we would tend to use the phrasal verb ”to wrap up sth”.

I checked and ”DCF valuation” refers to projecting the future value of an asset based on historical data and future expected cash flows.

As for ”wrapped”.. my best guess is that it refers to a managed investment portfolio for a flat fee, aka ”a wrap portfolio”. So, the adjective ”wrap” was turned into the verb ”to wrap” to describe the process of converting from an account which is charged per transaction to one which has a flat fee applied.

Given that your context describes a ”ironing out a customer acquisition strategy” - making modifications to a customer acquisition strategy - as well as ”DCF valuation”, then this makes the most logical sense.

  • AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgFebruary 2022
    No worries!

    You have to be careful when deciphering texts full of specialist jargon. Sometimes very common words can have highly different alternative meanings