100% GOOD (1 votes)antwoordLanguage Question
Hello, could you say please what does ”work to”mean? ”Player who aren’t working to their full potential ....” and could you please make some examples with ”work to”?


gracej2712 profile picture gracej2712October 2021
‘working to’ meand working towards in some contexts. in the sentence that you wrote (‘players who aren’t working to their full potential’) it means that the players are not working as well as they can.
potential = the best of someone’s ability
cgonzalezesq profile picture cgonzalezesqOctober 2021
’work to’ and ’work to their full potential’ are different things ad as such have distinct meanings.

’work to’ by itself would normally denote you have a ultimate goal and are making effort toward that goal. Statements using ’work to’ could vary. Such as, I work to provide for my family (or) I work to perfect my speaking skills each day.

’Work to full potential’ in essence means someone is not working to the best of their ability, and is instead working only partially toward a goal and as the old saying goes not ’giving it 100%’