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for ”yes”, can we say: ”yep”, ”yeah” or ”yup”: which one is used the most?

Are there other ones?

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exRanger profile picture exRangerApril 2021
At a more formal level even the following may be construed to represent ”yes”:

- Affirmative
- Of course
- Certainly
- Okay
- Sure
- Uh-huh

Goes on forever, yo.
AussieInBg profile picture AussieInBgMarch 2021
”yep”, ”yeah” or ”yup” tend to be spoken informal forms of ”yes” in American English, although some get used in other English dialects to varying degrees.

”yep” and ”yup” are used for affirmation expressed positively. ”Yeah” is generally ”yes” said with a negative tone.

As for which one of ”yep” and ”yup” is more commonly used, I suspects that it depends on which part of the US it’s being said in. For sure there’s a linguistics PhD waiting to be written mapping out the distributions of ”yep” and ”yup”

There’s a whole spectrum of different ways in English of saying ”yes” around the world. In Australia, for example, you might be using ”aye”, ”eh” or ”yea” (without the ”h” at the end).
Cherrylove profile picture CherryloveLetzten Monat
ppl use yeah more
But I use yep more
idk abt yup
ofox0330 profile picture ofox0330August 2023

Yeah is used the most often.