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Does anybody know how to look at the entries a certain user has written or corrected?

Hello everyone!
This question is not related to languages, but rather, to PolyglotClub. It's been a while since I used this site —about 3 years, to be exact— and a lot of things have changed. Something I still haven't figured out is how to find the entries users have written or corrected. I remember that before you could see that on their profile, but now, I don't see any button for that. I can only browse through the entries I've written/corrected. The same goes for pictures, but that's not as important.

Does anybody know how to find such entries?

Thank you in advance!

PS: Try out these free English learning lessons: Exercises: Trinidad and Tobago TimelineAt a PartyFalse Ellipsis (Part 2)Falkland Islands Timeline


vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2020
Hello Josdan, this is a good question, in the next version we will enable back the possibility to see entries written by other members. good point