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When can we use ?’’past tense and present perfect tense’’?


Meltear profile picture MeltearFebruary 2015
past tense -> short action that was completed in the past;
It indicates only a short action/period of time: "I saw a bird flying across the sky." -> we don't see the bird anymore.

past perfect tense -> actions that lasted longer and are still taking place at the moment of speech (now);
"It has beeb raining for hours!" it is still raining now!

"I have been to Vienna several times" -> the experience still lasts until today!

Now, in contrary you may say "I was in Vienna last week." Why do we use the past tense? We are not in Vienna anymore!

"I have been in Vienna since last week." Why do we use the past perfect tense? Why are still in Vienna!

I hope this helped at least a little bit, if not, feel free to message me!