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    • Nowadays, there are more than 7 billion people living on the planet and all of them need food.
    • Consequently, the food industries become producing food from chemicals because the biggest aim of the industry is to produce food faster, cheaper and in bigger quantities.
    • Dear audience, today I want to tell you about dangerous food, that we consume every day.
  • Nowadays, a lot of people suffer from overweight, but this is not the end of their problems, they are emotionally destroyed and their activity level is very low, possibly things mentioned above are the consequences of the poor quality food.
    • 80% of the food provided in supermarkets is dangerous and unfortunately, we consume at least one of it every day.
    • Overweight is mainly caused by products such as mayonnaise, margarine, ketchup and various souses; they all are mostly made by chemicals.
    • Furthermore, obesity is caused by every day’s most popular product- sugar, therefore, all nutritionists offer to replace sugar with honey to avoid the phenomenon called as ‘white death’.
  • When examining meat products provided in shops, it has been proven that there is no real meat.
    • The only thing that will be included is a flavoring, soy, pigs coat etc., and it is advised to buy the meat from farmers, where the meat would be natural.
    • Number one enemy to the healthy diet is fast food.
  • The first fast-food restaurant was established in 1921 in America, which became very popular with their burgers.
  • There were only 14 M.C.
  • Donald restaurants in America in 1956, but nowadays M.C.
  • Donald’s restaurants spread to 119 countries and in exceeds the number of 30 thousands.
  • For several people fast foods became a daily routine, they have forgotten about healthy food and the ways it have been cooked.
  • Those people’s breakfast starts at M.C Donald’s and finishes at the same place.
  • Latvia has only 11 M.C Donald restaurants and ten of them are located in the Riga with one located in Daugavpils.
  • In documentary film'' Super siz me'', the main character ate only fast-food meal-burgers, fries and Coca-Cola etc., for 30 days, at the end of the experiment, the main character increased his weight by 12 kg, his level of sugar grew dramatically, he was observed in radical mood changes and had changes in his prostate gland.
  • The main character was paid 50 thousand to return to the previous form.
  • The problem is, that people in modern society not only eat unhealthy food, but drink the unhealthy drinks.
  • Natural water has been already replaced for juices and lemonades from the stores, in particular with those popular drinks such as Coca-Cola or Pepsi which cause human enamel collapse.
  • Prolonged usage of those drinks causes abdominal ulcers, which may later evolve into a cancer.
  • One of the most dangerous alcohol drinks is beer.
  • Over the years, beer was considered as harmless drink, but recently there was a female hormone found in it which is called as estrogen.
  • That is why a big number of beer lovers have a big belly, bigger chests, changes in characteristics and physical problems.
  • However, in recent years there have been an increase in numbers of people who are against the unhealthy food.
  • In several states and cities there are bio-shops opened with fresh and healthy food that is grown in fields, of course, prices are adequate.
  • Documentary films about the consequences of dangerous food are more often shown on TV in order to protect people from buying it.
  • The figure shows rapid decrease of fast- food restaurants in majority of countries.
  • This entire means that people are again interested in healthy lifestyle and their appearance.
  • I urge the rest to turn to healthy diet.
  • Let’s respect ourselves, our health and our lifestyle.