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  • A Mini Essay: Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

  • In my opinion the Internet has a lot of benefits.
    • I think the first important advantage of the Internet is sharing information among people around the world.
    • Sometimes at work I stack with the problem and the search helps me to find out a solution for it.
    • Through the Internet you could communicate with people who have the same point of view and interest.
    • To illustrate my point, I have written a blog for 9 years, at which I describe my current goals and results that I have achieved.
    • The second benefit is working at home.
    • In that case you do not need to spend any time for road to work.
    • I used to work at home and most of my money I earn only by using the Internet.
    • Finally I use the Internet for spent a leisure time, because I like to watch fresh movies, TV shows and educational programs.
    • In case of disadvantages, I would say that sometime online surfing it is a time wasting.
    • For instance, I used to read a lot of articles that don't relative to my interest.
    • As a result I spent a lot of time for reading and I do not remember anything that I have read.
    • The second problem of the Internet is online-gaming.
    • For example my brother who spent all of his time after work in front of his computer just by playing video games, It makes me sad.
    • In addition, the Internet would hurt the children’s feelings, if they get access to inappropriate information.
    • To conclude, the Internet is the most important part of my life, I use it at work, for my hobbies and for leisure time.
    • I do not how I could learn English, if I would not use the Internet.