
Text from zolle - English

  • How to improve the town centre: a proposal

  • The aims of this proposal are to describe the current state of the city centre, identify areas of improvement, and offer recommendations on exactly what improvements can be achieved.
  • At the present moment, the city centre offers a limited variety of leisure spots to go.
    • Following a survey among locals living in the area that have been living in the area for at least ten years, the following areas/aspects for improvement can be highlighted: There is small shopping centre with around 4 shops to shop from as well as an old cinema that was built more than fifteen years.
    • Furthermore, there is no gym in the centre, only a small fitness space with outdoors gym equipment in a park, targeted to the older audience.
    • Finally, in regards to the transport, the bus rage is very limited and buses do not run as frequently as they should.
  • It is vital to address the issues raised in the survey.
    • Therefore, the following actions ought to be performed with a view to improving the city centre: It is advisable to build up-to-date facilities, like a bigger shopping centre with all types of shops and a new cinema with more rooms and better screens and theater seats.
    • In one hand, it would create more job opportunities which would translate in a bigger local purchasing power, in the other hand it would also attract more visitors from nearby towns which would mean an increase in the town’s overall wealth.
    • A gym should also be built in order to make it easier for residents to improve their health if they wished to.
    • Last but not least, the buses should go further to meet the needs of people that depend on public transportation.
    • It would also mean more people having the opportunity to come to the town and spend money here.
    • All of these measures, if promptly implemented, are surely going to increase resident’s satisfaction with their city centre.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
    • The aims of this proposal are to describe the current state of the city centre, identify areas of improvement, and offer recommendations on exactly what improvements can be achieved.
      Balsuok dabar!
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  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • Following a survey among locals living in the area that have been living in the area for at least ten years, the following areas/aspects for improvement can be highlighted: There is small shopping centre with around 4 shops to shop from as well as an old cinema that was built more than fifteen years.
      Balsuok dabar!
    • Following a survey among locals living in the area that have been living in the area for at least ten years, the following areas/aspects for improvement can be highlighted:¶

      There is
      a small shopping centre with around 4 shops to shop from as well as an old cinema that was built more than fifteen years ago.
    • Following a survey among locals living in the area that have been living in the area for at least ten years, the following areas/aspects for improvement can be highlighted:¶

      There is
      a small shopping centre with around 4 shops to shop from as well as an old cinema that was built more than fifteen years ago.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
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  • Sentence 7
    • Therefore, the following actions ought to be performed with a view to improving the city centre: It is advisable to build up-to-date facilities, like a bigger shopping centre with all types of shops and a new cinema with more rooms and better screens and theater seats.
      Balsuok dabar!
    • Therefore, the following actions ought to be performed with a view to improving the city centre:¶

      It is advisable to build up-to-date facilities,
      likesuch as a bigger shopping centre with all types of shops and a new cinema with more rooms and better screens and theatere seats.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • In one hand, it would create more job opportunities which would translate in a bigger local purchasing power, in the other hand it would also attract more visitors from nearby towns which would mean an increase in the town’s overall wealth.
      Balsuok dabar!
    • IOn one hand, it would create more job opportunities which would translate in a bigger local purchasing power, i. On the other hand, it would also attract more visitors from nearby towns which would mean an increase in the town's overall wealth.
    • InOn the one hand, it would create more job opportunities which would translate in a biggto greater local purchasing power, i. On the other hand, it would also attract more visitors from nearby towns which would, meaning an increase in the town’s overall wealth.
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