
Tekst fra - English

  • Should boys and girls go to separate schools or not ?

    • The issue I will be discussing regarding this topic is whether or not boys and girls should go to separate schools.
  • This is a very important matter because many experts have been debating about this subject.
    • In my point of view boys and girls should go single sex schools.
    • I believe this because research found that the learning of the different gender is different, and what works for one gender doesn’t work for the other.
    • Studies show that girls do well in math and science in single sex schools, while boys do well in poetry and music.
    • Furthermore, Experts believe that competition in academics between boys and girls is not healthy.
    • Girls try to finish their works faster than boys in order to impress them, and this would develop stress and anxiety between boys who’s struggling with their work.
    • Lastly, to respond to those who claim that going to separate single sex schools would create problems like interacting with each other in the future when they work together.
    • Going to single sex schools don’t mean separate them totally, because they can interact in their house and neighbors.
    • And as a research shows that the majorities of girls who attend single sex schools build and develop self confident which will prepare them to interact properly in the society.
    • To conclude, we may reach from regarding these factors is boys and girls should go to single gender schools.
    • Of course there are disadvantages going to single sex schools, we need to put a lot of efforts to ensure that the system of single sex schools is successfully implemented.

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