
Text from Maryam1987 - English

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    • There is evidence that many educated females who studying science or technology cannot occupy the relevant occupations.
  • While this phenomenon has specific root causes, effective policies may address this issue.
    • There are two main reasons why plenty of ladies do not have a chance to work in these fields in certain regions of the globe.
    • First and foremost, the existence of a stereotyped attitude about these fields that belong to males, and another gender would not be able to succeed even they have potential abilities.
    • These patriarchal perspectives about science and technology do not offer equal opportunity to both genders who determined to serve humanity.
    • When women reach this point there is explicit discrimination between them and male status, they may prefer to exchange their field with another option such as teaching.
    • Last but not least, the difficulty and inflexible of these fields discourage women who need to do maternal duties too.
    • Consider a mother who has to take care of her child, cooking food, and doing house chores, this person how to find sufficient time to spend in the libratory.
    • Thus, neither a fair perspective nor appropriate support leads to females to lose their passion in both fields in some nations.
  • There are, however, some practical solutions to convince females to work in specific fields such as science and technology.
    • To begin with, women scientists and engineers would be encouraged to seek appropriate vocations related to their field of study if governments set up stricter rules to limit gender bias and discrimination in workplaces.
    • In other words, reforming some wrong perspectives in the workplace may create double motivation among educated ladies to prove their capability in an environment free of discriminatory problems.
    • Moreover, women who studied science require adequate supports from their family members especially from spouses to find proper occupations for them.
    • Take Marie Curie as an obvious example; who might not receive a valuable Nobel Prize if her husband did not support her at home or defect her front of the Nobel Prize Executive Committee.
    • Therefore, encouragements from individuals who are significant to women not only persuade them to find a suitable career but also encourage them to receive scientific achievements In conclusion, applying comprehensive anti-discrimination laws from governments and sufficient avocations from family members provides a golden opportunity for intelligent women to utilize their knowledge in the relevant professions in multiple regions.


  • Titel
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
    • First and foremost, the existence of a stereotyped attitude about these fields that belong to males, and another gender would not be able to succeed even they have potential abilities.
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    • First and foremost, the existence of a stereotyped attitude about that these fields that belong to males, and another genderen and that women would not be able to succeed, even they have the potential abilities.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 4VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • These patriarchal perspectives about science and technology do not offer equal opportunity to both genders who determined to serve humanity.
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    • These patriarchal perspectives about science and technology do not offer equal opportunity to both genders whomen and women, both of whom are determined to serve humanity.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 5VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • When women reach this point there is explicit discrimination between them and male status, they may prefer to exchange their field with another option such as teaching.
      Stem nou!
    • When women reach thise point where there is explicit discrimination between them and male statutheir male counterparts, they may prefer to exchange their field with anotheroccupation. One typical option such ais teaching.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 6VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • Consider a mother who has to take care of her child, cooking food, and doing house chores, this person how to find sufficient time to spend in the libratory.
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    • Consider a mother who has to take care of her child, cooking food, and doing house chores, t. This person how to findwill not have sufficient time to spend in the libaboratory.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 8VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
    • To begin with, women scientists and engineers would be encouraged to seek appropriate vocations related to their field of study if governments set up stricter rules to limit gender bias and discrimination in workplaces.
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    • To begin with, womenfemale scientists and engineers would be encouraged to seek appropriate vocations related to their field of study if governments were to set up stricter rules to limit gender bias and discrimination in workplaces.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 11VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
    • In other words, reforming some wrong perspectives in the workplace may create double motivation among educated ladies to prove their capability in an environment free of discriminatory problems.
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    • In other words, reformaddressing somthe wrong perspectivattitudes in the workplace may create double the motivation among educated ladies to prove their capability in an environment free of discriminatory problems.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 12VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13
    • Moreover, women who studied science require adequate supports from their family members especially from spouses to find proper occupations for them.
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    • Moreover, women who studied science require adequate supports from their family members, especially from their spouses, to find proper occupations for them.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 13VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 13
  • Sentence 14
    • Take Marie Curie as an obvious example; who might not receive a valuable Nobel Prize if her husband did not support her at home or defect her front of the Nobel Prize Executive Committee.
      Stem nou!
    • Take Marie Curie as an obvious example; who might not receive a valuablthe Nobel Prize if her husband did not support her at home or defectnded her in front of the Nobel Prize Executive Committee.
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 14VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 14
  • Sentence 15
    • Therefore, encouragements from individuals who are significant to women not only persuade them to find a suitable career but also encourage them to receive scientific achievements In conclusion, applying comprehensive anti-discrimination laws from governments and sufficient avocations from family members provides a golden opportunity for intelligent women to utilize their knowledge in the relevant professions in multiple regions.
      Stem nou!
    • Therefore, encouragements from individuals who are significant to women not only persuade them towomen need to be encourage to not only find a suitable career, but also encourage them to receivestrive for scientific achievements.

      In conclusion, applying comprehensive anti-discrimination laws
      from governments and sufficient advocationscy from family members provides a golden opportunity for intelligent women to utilize their knowledge in the relevant professions in multiple regions. ¶
    • VOEG ’n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 15VOEG 'n NUWE KORREKSIE BY! - Sentence 15