Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ fajo - English

  • New York

    • I would like to spend some time in New York.
    • According an article there are people of 148 countries who live over there.
    • It's amazing to joint so many multicultural people in an area.
    • I would like to barter my life for a short time as a stowaway to be in New York.
    • I would go in all the neighborhoods one after the other.
    • I wouldn't go out on a limb, I would just live as the spitting image of a foreign family even I don't speak their language.
    • I would babble with my italians, chineses, jewish, africans and the others neighbours.
    • I would discover their food, their way of life.
  • I think it would be a great adventure.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
    • I would like to spend some time in New York.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I would liket has always been my dream to spend some time in New York.
    • I would like to spend some time in New York. ¶ If you want to word it a different way you can say "It has always been my dream to spend some time in New York." However, walteroi is wrong in telling you that you are wrong because you said it differently. Walteroi, have you considered that fajo might not have always dreamt of visiting new york? Perhaps he is just mentioning an interest to visit there.
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  • câu 2
  • câu 3
  • câu 4
    • I would like to barter my life for a short time as a stowaway to be in New York.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I would like to barter my life for a short time as a stowaway to be in New York. ¶ When you word it this way it sounds to me like you are saying you would like to sell yourself so that you can illegally live in NY. Perhaps you meant to say you would like to find a job and an inexpensive place to "rest your head" so that you can stay or live there for a while?
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  • câu 5
  • câu 6
    • I wouldn't go out on a limb, I would just live as the spitting image of a foreign family even I don't speak their language.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I wouldn't go out on a limb, I would just live as the spitting image of a foreign family even I don't speak their language. ¶ I think you are using the idiom "go out on a limb" incorrectly but I am unable to explain why (sorry :P ). And I think you are saying you would like to live with a foreign family like you are apart of the family
    • I wouldn't go out on a limb, I would just live as the spitting image of a foreign family even I don'and live exactly like the different families from other countries. I would try to understand their way of life even if I cannot speak their language.
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  • câu 7
    • I would babble with my italians, chineses, jewish, africans and the others neighbours.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Some of the neighbours I would babble with include my iItalians, cChineses, jJewish, and Africans and the others neighbours.
    • I would babble with my iItalians, cChineses, jJewish, and Africans and the o people, as well as all of theirs neighbours.
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  • câu 9