
Κείμενο από Acalia - English

  • Brighton old town improvement proposal

    • Dear John Campbell, My name is Lydia Hayward and I am writing with regard to the announcement made by the Council to know the citizens opinion.
    • I live in Brighton since 2012 and I am the owner of a little restaurant near the bay area.
    • I would like to emphasise that Brighton has become a great touristic place in the last years, and this is the main reason why public authorities should meticulous study the impact that both propositions could provoke.
    • From my point of view and regarding the economic developement of the area, I would recommend the restriction access.
    • At first, it seems a drastic measure, however, following the example from other European cities, I would say that this measure would increase the number of visitors and tourists.
    • Moreover, this city could became an example of a pedestrian life.
    • All this type of restrictions are tough at first, but when people use to them, they will be gratefull and proud of having a clean and safe city.
    • It will be so comfortable walking through the streets without cars, speciallly for children, because they could run and play in a safety place.
    • In the other hand, I consider the proposal two an elitist measure that only will be profitable for people with purchasing power.
    • As consequence, this city will become in a city for privileged citizens and it will establish the distinction between first class citizens and second class.
    • As a businesswoman I am absolutely sure that sales will increase with the first proposal and also the quality of life.
    • It is indisputable that without vehicules levels of pollution will decrease considerably, we will enjoy a cleaner air and the city will be more human.