Read the Latest Lessons:
IRFP in brief
Internet resources for polyglots
Traditional Foods: Southern Asia
Must‐Know Words for Polyglots
Traditional Foods: Western Asia
Websites of Traditional Literatures
Latin Declensions
Traditional Foods: Australia and New Zealand
Traditional Foods: Eastern Asia
Traditional Foods: Central Asia
Traditional Foods: Southern Europe
Traditional Foods: Western Europe
Traditional Foods: Eastern Europe
Traditional Foods: Northern Europe
Traditional Foods: Eastern Africa
Traditional Foods: Northern Africa
Traditional Foods: Southern America
Traditional Foods: Caribbean
Traditional Foods: Central America
Traditional Foods: Northern America
Online Specialized Dictionaries
How to become a polyglot
Traditional Foods: Melanesia
Traditional Foods: Southern Africa
Lesson 2: Introducing yourself and others
Lesson 5: Present tense conjugation of regular verbs
Lesson 3: Word order in Persian sentences
Greetings and Introductions