
Сообщение от EDMOLHE - English

    • 3 introductions.

  • 1.
    • I think learning material in school is responsibility of students and not of teachers.
    • Unfortunately, the majority of parents think the failure in kid's learning is due to uncompetetive teachers.
    • But teachers'job is to clarify and explain different topics about a subject, while students participate actively in class for understanding and learning new concepts. 2.
    • The majority of the time material on the internet is inadequate, and I think it should be controlled to protect the public.
    • It is not a secret the internet is the new tool for people researching, and the kids are not mature enough for filtering true information or processing explicit sexual content.
    • For this reason, parents and schools are called for developing strategies to control controversial data on the internet. 3.
    • Currently, colleges and universities are losing the labor of being a place for connecting people and developing social strategies.People need more spaces for arguing ideas face to face and having real contact with the human feelings.
    • For that, I disagree that colleges and universities offer more distance learning courses.

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