Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Orpheos - English

    • Pondering about life

    • Then I was younger, I felt really aside of the world, adults would often tell me that as I will grow up things would seems to me more clear.
    • I am now 21, I even though it is still quite young, my place in this world is yet to be specified, I am still inhabited by this feeling that I belong nowhere.
  • Recently, I have gone through a lot of thinking about what I want my lifetime to be used for.
    • I can almost say that I wandered in my wonderings, and get lost all the time.
    • Somehow I still do because there is no final answer for such question, or let's say that I don't there is.
    • Although, I managed through all of this to find a simple principle: "To achieve any fulfillment, One ought no longer to be the same that one has been".
    • Even though, I and everyone change through our experiences and therefore are never completely the same person throughout the different stages of our lives.
    • Is not really the same thing that I mean by this statement.
    • Because if we are changing whilst we experience life, we do not really choose the person that we become, at some point we just adapting to the present events.
    • Hence, if we don't act actively towards who we want to be, we don't really improving...
  • We must change, even by the slightest, every time that we have a chance to do so.
  • I think, because I don't get to know the things that are fulfilling for me yet...
    • Decide that I want to do the day after, is more than an acceptable philosophy for the moment. God!
    • It is so hard to express you profound thoughts in a foreign language :P.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
    • Then I was younger, I felt really aside of the world, adults would often tell me that as I will grow up things would seems to me more clear.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • TWhen I was younger, I felt the world was really aupside of the world, a. Adults would often tell me that as I will grow up things would seems to me more clear.
    • TWhen I was younger, I felt really asideleft out of the world, and adults would often tell me that as I will groew up things would seems to me more clear clearer to me.
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  • câu 2
    • I am now 21, I even though it is still quite young, my place in this world is yet to be specified, I am still inhabited by this feeling that I belong nowhere.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I am now 21, I e. Even though it isI am still quite young, my place in this world is yet to be specified,. I am still inhabited by this feeling that I belong nowhere.
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  • câu 5
    • Somehow I still do because there is no final answer for such question, or let's say that I don't there is.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Somehow I still do because there is no final answer for such question, or let's say that I don't think there is.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
    • Somehow I still do because there is no final answer for such question, or let's say that I don't think there is.
    • Somehow I still do because there is no final answer for such question, or let's say that I don't think there is any.
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  • câu 6
    • Although, I managed through all of this to find a simple principle: "To achieve any fulfillment, One ought no longer to be the same that one has been".
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Although, I managed through all of this to find a simple principle: "To achieve any fulfillment, Oone ought no longer to be the same that one has been".
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  • câu 7
    • Even though, I and everyone change through our experiences and therefore are never completely the same person throughout the different stages of our lives.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Even though, I and everyone changed through our experiences and therefore are never completely the same person throughout the different stages of our lives.
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    • Because if we are changing whilst we experience life, we do not really choose the person that we become, at some point we just adapting to the present events.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Because if we are changing whilst we experience life, we do not really choose the person that we become, at some point we just adapting to the present events.
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