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Văn bản từ fitti - English

  • Emotions make the difference in our memories

    • One of the question that many scientists have always tried to answer is whether it is possible to establish how accurate are memories.
    • Many researches on human mind have been conducted to solve this problem, using every kind of method, but the conclusion has always been the same.
  • Scientists state that our memories depend on the intensity of emotions and perceptions associated with them.
  • Probably this is the reason why some recollections are more accurate than others.
    • As neurolinguistics affirms, our memories are the result of all the perceptions and emotions we associate with them.
  • Our brain is like a computer, that catches and analyses all the aspects of a perception and classifies them in images of the mind that we associate with a memory or a word (Saussure, 1916).
  • The more intense a perception is, the more likely we will remember it.
    • Indeed, researches on human mind have shown that in our brain there is a part, called hippocampus, that has a crucial role in deciding which memories should be remembered in the long-term or in the short-term.
  • As a matter of fact, neuroscientists assume that the more often you remember an event, the more stable it will become in your memory.
  • Completely in contrast with it, is the idea of Marc Green, who sustains that "recollections become less accurate with each retelling".
    • Probably our mind covers the aspects we do not remember immediatedly, adding new informations that are not true, that are the result of our imagination (Loftus and her colleagues).
    • A recent event that happened to me last week shows how memories are not always trusting.
    • Last saturday I had to prepare a cake to celebrate my grandmother's birthday.
    • After spending two hours thinking about what kind of cake I had to prepare, an unexpected memory came surprisingly to my mind and I decided to prepare the chocolate cake my grandmother used to bake me when I was a child.
  • According to my mother, I had to add a little cinnamon in the cream, but as I remembered, I did not associate that taste with my recollection.
    • Consequently I decided to follow my recipe, but unfortunately the cake was completely different from my grandmother's one.
    • This is the demonstration that childhood memories are not fairly accurate and we can not be completely sure of our recollections.
  • As previously said, accuracy could be found only if an event or an action has been significant and important for us.
  • To conclude, personal experience is the discerning key-factor in classifying long or short-term memories.

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
    • One of the question that many scientists have always tried to answer is whether it is possible to establish how accurate are memories.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • One of the question that many scientists have always tried to answer is whether it is possible to establishdetermin how accurate areour memories are.
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    • One of the question that many scientists have always tried to answer is whether it is possible to establishdetermine how accurate areour memories are.
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  • câu 2
    • Many researches on human mind have been conducted to solve this problem, using every kind of method, but the conclusion has always been the same.
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    • Many researches on human's mind have been conducted to solve this problem, using every kind of method, but the conclusionresult has always been the same.
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  • câu 3
    • Scientists state that our memories depend on the intensity of emotions and perceptions associated with them.
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    • As neurolinguistics affirms, our memories are the result of all the perceptions and emotions we associate with them.
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    • As neurolinguistics affirms, our memories are the result of all the perceptions and emotions we associate with them.
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  • câu 6
    • Our brain is like a computer, that catches and analyses all the aspects of a perception and classifies them in images of the mind that we associate with a memory or a word (Saussure, 1916).
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  • câu 8
    • Indeed, researches on human mind have shown that in our brain there is a part, called hippocampus, that has a crucial role in deciding which memories should be remembered in the long-term or in the short-term.
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    • Indeed, researches on human mind have shown that in our brain there is a part, called hippo-campus, that has a crucial role in deciding which memories should be rememberedkept in the long-term or in the short-term.
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  • câu 9
    • As a matter of fact, neuroscientists assume that the more often you remember an event, the more stable it will become in your memory.
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  • câu 10
    • Completely in contrast with it, is the idea of Marc Green, who sustains that "recollections become less accurate with each retelling".
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  • câu 11
    • Probably our mind covers the aspects we do not remember immediatedly, adding new informations that are not true, that are the result of our imagination (Loftus and her colleagues).
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Probably our mind covers the aspects we do not remember immediatedly, adding new informations that are not true, that are the results of our imagination (Loftus and her colleagues).
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    • After spending two hours thinking about what kind of cake I had to prepare, an unexpected memory came surprisingly to my mind and I decided to prepare the chocolate cake my grandmother used to bake me when I was a child.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • After spending two hours thinking about what kind of cake I had to prepare, an unexpected memory came surprisingly to my mind and I decided to prepare the chocolate cake my grandmother used to bake for me when I was a child.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 14
  • câu 15
    • According to my mother, I had to add a little cinnamon in the cream, but as I remembered, I did not associate that taste with my recollection.
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  • câu 16
    • Consequently I decided to follow my recipe, but unfortunately the cake was completely different from my grandmother's one.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Consequently I decided to follow my recipe, but unfortunately the cake was completely different from the one prepared by my grandmother's one.
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  • câu 17
    • This is the demonstration that childhood memories are not fairly accurate and we can not be completely sure of our recollections.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • This is the demonstration that childhood memories are not fairly accurate and we can not be completely sure of our recollections.
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  • câu 18
    • As previously said, accuracy could be found only if an event or an action has been significant and important for us.
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  • câu 19
    • To conclude, personal experience is the discerning key-factor in classifying long or short-term memories.
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