טקסט של - English

    • a writing practice in IELTS test

    • Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news.
  • Do you agree or disagree?
    • The innovation of social media has changed readers' reading habits with an increasing number of people reading news online rather than on newspapers.
    • Whereas some people still hold an opposite view on this trend, therefore I would argue that printed newspapers will be superseded by online news in the future.
    • Firstly, compared with totally clean and environmentally friendly online issues, printed newspapers have led to great pollution on people's life due to their harmful composition like lead.
    • Secondly, newspapers are made of wood, to be more precise---trees, which play an important role in refraining people from intaking too many contaminants.
    • While the publication of newspapers causes a great number of trees being cut down, which in turn does harm to people's respiratory system.
    • Thirdly, current affairs on the Internet enables readers to get more instant information via portable devices such as cellphones and computers which are easy to carry without creating any pollution.
    • Finally, online news also provides common people with a more vivid and comprehensive understanding of a certain issue helping them shape objective views towards specific phenomena through colorful pictures and videos.
    • To conclude, it is clear that news on the Internet possesses more merits in comparison with newspapers owing to its portability and environmentally friendly trait.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English