

Text from sant-spain - English

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  • “The Great Gatsby” is considered to be one of the most influential novels in the history of the American literature and it has hundreds of thousands of copies sold annually.
  • No wonder Fitzgerald’s masterpiece stands out amount others, his exquisite poetical writing style and his engrossing analysis of the Roaring Twenties captivate readers all around the world.
    • Through Nick Carraway’s memories and observations we get to know a series of characters with which Fitzgerald scrutinize the society of his time: an analysis on class, social and economic change, roles of gender, and especially on the decay of the American dream, depicted symbolically in the figure of Gatsby.
  • Even though Nick does not approve him completely, he finds in Gatsby a life-affirming unmatched greatness which makes him different from the rest.
  • The aim of this essay is to debate whether Gatsby is truly “great”, and if he is, then in which way; as well as to explore Gatsby as a symbol of the possible meaninglessness of the American dream.
    • So as to understand Gatsby, we should firstly understand the nature of Nick as a narrator; as we move on reading, we see that Nick is not the most reliable narrator ever, since he is quite judgmental, biased and contradictory.
    • He consider himself to be morally superior, for he has a background that have supposedly provided him with “the fundamental decencies” that normal people lack.
  • However, it is obvious that “to reserve all judgements” is not one of those “decencies”, since by the end of the novel he has criticized everyone;