
Text from Fillop123 - English

    • We live in a world of technology these days.

    • We live in a world of technology these days.
    • While the internet brings with it clear advantages, th problems in terms of control and security of information outweighs the advantages.
  • To what extent do you agree?
  • Owing the discussion about advantages and disadvantages of technology; one disadvantage is about privacy and security.
    • I completely agree that security and privacy are essential and we need to preserve it, but none can stop progress and technology and i believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages for us.
  • Firstly, our informations are shared for improving and helping our life.
    • For instance, if we shared our location, Google Maps could show us which shops are around us.
    • Shops are not an essential thing of our life, but It can be vital if we are hurt and we are looking for an hospital in a foreign city.
    • Google, Facebook, Microsoft and so on, are trying to improve our life; sharing some useless information i think its necessary for achieve that goal.
    • On the other hand, there are some kinds of informations really private, which must not be shared.
    • Furthermore, all these datas are online and big societies as Google, Facebook and so on, try to hide and protect them, but that is not enough for stopping all the hackers who steal these protect informations for selling in a close future on the dark net, helping stalker and causing crimes and deaths.
    • For instance, some times ago, a very famous IT society lost a big quantity of datas of their premium users.
  • After few days, photos of naked actresses and actors were shared online.
    • These photos were on the phones of the victims, keeping by them on the “secure” cloud of the company.
    • In conclusion, technology during the last few years have improved our life, and i think is still improving it; although, at the same time, it is causing a lot of justice issues.
    • We are all concerned about it, but i think that being more careful can solve most of those problems.
  • We can not go against the progress, but we can use technology more consciously.