
Rédigé par sant-spain - English

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    • More and more Americans are questioning things, becoming more aware of their governors’ corruption and denouncing it.
    • Nevertheless, they are still few people and in general the main current of thought believes fervently in the American Exceptionalism.
    • As all Empires do, the US will eventually collapse, in short-term probably not because its citizens rebel against their oppressors, but because the instability of the system.
    • When the system fell, the fraud will be evident and the people will rebel; it may fall economically because of the bank’s speculation, or it may fall because a war: banks cannot keep creating money out of nothing and indebting people endlessly nor can The Unites States keep bombing the Middle East without creating more hatred and terrorism against them.
    • In the best of the cases, people will rebel and change the system to better before any huge tragedy happens.
    • On the contrary, the empire will fall and another maybe worst, will take its place and in that case, may God have mercy on our souls.