
Texto de Brocky - English

  • A new invention

  • If you could invent something new, what product would you develop?
  • Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed.
    • Technology became an essential element in our life, and we do not know what could we do without it.
    • With the rapid increase in development and the demand on new invention in different aspects of life, to invent gas sensor would be an absolutely an umpaccable solution without a shodow of a doubt.
    • In hold this belief for two main reasons.
  • Firstly, it will prevent injury and death from occuring in confined spaces in the industry or any other places basically.
    • Therefore, it will warn the workers from get in places that has high risk of confinment and help in preventing thousands of life across the world.
    • For example, when I was attending university in Batna 2 years ago, my chemistry professor taught us the danger of falling in a places that has less oxigene due to the present of high quantity of toxic gases or flammable one.
    • He argued that not all the workers have access to the handy sensor for gases that profesional companies have, and it would be ashame of letting people die just because they don't have access to such materials.
    • From then, it downed on me that it would be an ideal solution to place a sensor that can detect gases and send warning when inflammable or toxic gases are present in the vacinity.
    • Secondly, inventing new sensor that would detect toxic gases and alarm workers and people from the danger in the area would also benefit the reputation of the company in a sense that accident of such type would be eleminated.
    • Using the money that would be saved for the budged on the losses that would occuring as resulting of such indesirable events in other fields.
    • For instance, when I was preparing for a presentation for my fire safety class last year, I presented some of the data of the researches that was been done on these accidents around the global, and it was almost affecting all the industrial sectors.
    • Which made it vital for companies to find a solution for this delimma that they are having.
    • It could be resolved by creating a model that detect harmful gases and sending signals to the operator in the control station to warn the workers from geting closer to these places in order to prevent unwanted events.
    • In conclusion, inventing new elements in our life that would help us securing ourselves and our environment would bring Myriad benefits for families and societies.
    • Hence, creating a sensor that detects inflammable or toxic gases would be an umpaccble invention in the industry.
    • It will not only benefit the reputation of companies, but it would also prevent injuries and death from occuring during working in plants.