
Texto de Brocky - English

    • A New high school in my community.

  • The promt: It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your community.
    • Do you support or oppose this plan? Why?
  • Use specific reasons and details in your answer.
    • Studying is vital for the society, and it will help in raising an educative community which will improve the condition of life for the people who are living in it.
  • In my opinion, building a new high school in my community is very important for two main reasons.
    • The first reason is that it will assure of allowing the majority of the students to have a chance of studying in high school, and benefiting from free schooling in order to develop the society for an ideal community.
  • For example, when I was studying in high school 7 years ago, it was hard for me to travel from my house every day in order to reach the bus station on time, so I could attend my classes on time.
    • Otherwise I drop classes on that day.
  • It contributed also in adding more pressure on me and other students.
    • Unfourtenately, it caused many students to abondon studying because of these harsh condtions that we were facing.
    • On the other hand, if we had a high school in our community, we wouldn't need to get up early, nor students would drop their classes because of these hard situations.
    • As you can see, having a new school in my community would be a wonderful solution for stoping students from droping their classes and providing for them the best conditions for study.
    • The second reason is it will help students to improve their grades and to take advantage on the time that they use to travel while studying away from their local community.
    • Because instead of getting up two hours ahead of normal students who are living near the high school. it would be an ideal timing for them to prepare for their classes and review their notes in order to perform well in their exams.
    • For instance, when I used to study in my high school that was about an hour away from my home, I had to sleep early every day in order to get up early, so I will not miss the bus to arrive on time in school.
  • I had a limited schedule which restricted me from playing and hanging out with my friends in my community.
    • Because usually I come back fatigue from school and I would just rest for a while, and review my classes at night and then sleep early because of the tirsom that I had from traveling.
    • As you can see, having a new school in my community would definitely be an ideal solution for helping students to perform well on their exams, and stop dropped their classes due to the harsh conditions they may have during studying away from their local community.
    • To sum it up, it is a must for parents to enssure a bright future for their childrens, and one of the solutions is that by making sure that their children are studying in a near school to their houses, so they would invest the majority of their timing in studying and review for their classes.
    • Especially for those who are lacking high school in their local community, it is necessary for them to accept building a new high school so their children would have a better education and thus a bright future.

Por favor, ajude à corrigir cada sentença! - English

  • Título
  • Sentença 1
  • Sentença 2
  • Sentença 3
  • Sentença 4
    • Studying is vital for the society, and it will help in raising an educative community which will improve the condition of life for the people who are living in it.
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    • Studying is vital for thea society, and it will help in raising an educative community which will improve the condition of life for the people who are living in it.
    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 4Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 4
  • Sentença 5
  • Sentença 6
    • The first reason is that it will assure of allowing the majority of the students to have a chance of studying in high school, and benefiting from free schooling in order to develop the society for an ideal community.
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    • The first reason is that it (will assure of allowing) the majority of the students to have a chance of studying in high school, and benefiting from free schooling in order to develop the society for an ideal community.
    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 6Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 6
  • Sentença 7
    • For example, when I was studying in high school 7 years ago, it was hard for me to travel from my house every day in order to reach the bus station on time, so I could attend my classes on time.
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    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 7Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 7
  • Sentença 8
  • Sentença 9
  • Sentença 10
  • Sentença 11
    • On the other hand, if we had a high school in our community, we wouldn't need to get up early, nor students would drop their classes because of these hard situations.
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    • On the other hand,But if we had a high school in our community, we wouldn't need to get up early, norand students wouldn't need to drop their classes because of these hard situations.
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  • Sentença 12
    • As you can see, having a new school in my community would be a wonderful solution for stoping students from droping their classes and providing for them the best conditions for study.
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    • As you can see, having a new school in my community would be a wonderful solution forto stoping students from having to droping their classes and providing for them the best conditions forto study.
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  • Sentença 13
    • The second reason is it will help students to improve their grades and to take advantage on the time that they use to travel while studying away from their local community.
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    • The second reason is that it will help students to improve their grades and to take advantage on the time that they use to travel while studying away from their local community.
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  • Sentença 14
    • Because instead of getting up two hours ahead of normal students who are living near the high school. it would be an ideal timing for them to prepare for their classes and review their notes in order to perform well in their exams.
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    • Because instead of getting up two hours ahead of normal students who are living near the high school., it would be an ideal timing for them to prepare for their classes and review their notes in order to perform well ion their exams.
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  • Sentença 15
    • For instance, when I used to study in my high school that was about an hour away from my home, I had to sleep early every day in order to get up early, so I will not miss the bus to arrive on time in school.
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    • For instance, when I used to study in mygo to the high school that was about an hour away from my home, I had to sleep early every day in order to get up early, so I will noouldn't miss the bus to arrive on time in schoolat school in time.
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  • Sentença 16
  • Sentença 17
    • Because usually I come back fatigue from school and I would just rest for a while, and review my classes at night and then sleep early because of the tirsom that I had from traveling.
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    • Because usually I come back fatigue from school exhausted and I would just rest for a while, and review my classes at night and then sleep early because of the tirsom that I habeing tired from traveling that day.
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  • Sentença 18
    • As you can see, having a new school in my community would definitely be an ideal solution for helping students to perform well on their exams, and stop dropped their classes due to the harsh conditions they may have during studying away from their local community.
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    • As you can see, having a new school in my community would definitely be an ideal solution forto helping students to perform well on their exams, and sso they don't have top dropped their classes due to the harsh conditions they may havexperience during studying awayfar from their local community.
    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 18Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 18
  • Sentença 19
    • To sum it up, it is a must for parents to enssure a bright future for their childrens, and one of the solutions is that by making sure that their children are studying in a near school to their houses, so they would invest the majority of their timing in studying and review for their classes.
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    • To sum it up, it is a must for parents to enssure a bright future for their childrens, and one of the solutions is that byo makinge sure that their children are studying in a near school near to their housesme, so they would invest the majority of their timing in studying and previewparing for their classes.
    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 19Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 19
  • Sentença 20
    • Especially for those who are lacking high school in their local community, it is necessary for them to accept building a new high school so their children would have a better education and thus a bright future.
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    • Especially for those who are lacking a high school in their local community, it is necessary for them to accept building a new high school so their children would have a better education and thus a brighter future. ¶
    • Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 20Adcionar uma nova correção! - Sentença 20