
Сообщение от Brocky - English

  • Pets should be treated like family members

    • Animals have an impact on the life of human being, there are two kind of animals, the one who lives in the wild, and the one that lives with the human being.
    • The latter one some people prefer to treat them nicely and consider them as a part of a family and treat them like family members, others prefer not treating them as family members.
  • In my opinion, pets should be treated like family members for two reasons.
    • The first reason is because playing with them is more fun, due to the fact that pets live with us in the same house, and they're most of the time close to us.
  • It's not fair to mistreat them just because they're animals, and not taking advantage of playing with them and walking them outside the house time to time.
    • For example, when I was 7 years old, I lived with my parents in a small town, I didnt have too much friends due to the majority of people are adult or old.
    • I had a dog, I used to take him outside with me walking together and playing with him, I enjoyed most of my time with him, especially when I feel lonely.
    • The only one who never abandoned me was my little dog, who used to try each time to play with me and make me laugh and enjoy my time that I spent with him.
  • Which helped me a lot psychologically to relax and overcome that lack of friendship that I had.
    • As you can see, pets are very important by helping lonley people to carry on their lives without being left alone and abandoned by other people.
    • The second reason is that most of the pets are helpfull in protecting the family from threats that may come from outside.
    • For instance, I remember when I moved with my parents to different area where I live, everything was strange to me, and time to time I pass through people who are being rude and trying to provoke me, untill once three of them came behind me when I was taking my dog outise and walking with him, they tried to tease me and steal my money.
    • I was helpless and couldnt defend myself before these gang's group.
    • And all of the sudden my dog jumped on the person on my right and throwed him down, and turend to the one who was hold me from the back and bite him in his leg.
    • While the third guy run immediately after what he saw what happened to his two fellow.
  • As you can see, pets are very helpful to their owners.
  • In sum, having a pet is vital thing especially in our time that we live in.
    • Some of the people argue that pets should be left outside the house and not treat them as family members.
    • I believe that pets should be treated as a family members not just because being with them is more fun but also they're very helpful especially when danger threats a family member.

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