
Text from Lisa_Summmers - English

    • Travelling alone is no good.

    • When we are going to travel we usually try to gather lots of our friends or relatives.
    • We are convinced that there is nothing better than travelling in company.
    • It is high time to explode this hoary myth!
    • I suppose that not so many people have ever tried to travel alone.
    • Most of us think that it is impossible to travel alone!
    • Meanwhile travelling alone has much more positive sides than travelling with those noisy and annoying friends or what is worse, relatives.
    • Just try to remember how often you complained of them after returning from another spoiled trip.
    • So why don’t you just try to travel alone?
    • It is undeniable, that one of the most enjoyable parts of any journey is sightseeing.
    • When you travel in company it stops being enjoyable, and turns to be a real nightmare.
    • When you travel alone you have lots a greater advantage: you are able to stop and go on, follow this way and that, as the whim takes you!
    • So you can choose those places, what you really want to see and spend as much time on that as you want.
    • No wasted time, no rush.
    • It goes without saying that the main reason why we go travelling is to relax.
    • How is it possible to relax with that constant cackle of voices, giggles and stupid jokes at your elbow?
    • We have enough of that stuff at home, on holiday we need to have a good rest from it.
    • Only travelling alone allows us to enjoy the meditative silence of the morning, picturesque landscapes of the countryside, gorgeous monuments of ancient cities, dramatic sunsets and mysterious night skies full of stars.
    • When we travel alone we can get the entire spectrum of emotions which gives us nature.
    • However, most people feel more than coldly towards travelling alone.
    • We dare say that they have reasons.
    • Travelling alone can be a bit boring: there is no one to share emotions with, no one to take a picture of you… quite soon you start feel lonely without jokes and funny stories.
    • To sum up travelling alone is good for those who really want to enjoy their journey and have a proper rest from their usual mode of life.
    • To my mind, if you go in a company it is no longer a travelling in anything but name.