Nhờ sửa bài giúp

Văn bản từ Igman - English

    • First post

    • Hi, my name is Igman and I'm 21.
    • I really love learning languages and discover more about others cultures different than mine.
    • This is the first text that I write in English to be corrected.
    • I'm studing English since 2012 when I had some classes whit a teatcher that truly made me fall in love with English.
    • I know that my English isn't so good as I would like to be, but in fell that now in 2014 that is the easier foreing language for me.
    • I'm also studying Italian, Spanish and something of Polish.
    • Actually I started learning Polish motivated by my family that came from Poland some years ago, and I received some help of my grandma that teached me some words in Polish.
    • After I started learning Spanish with some friends from Argentine and Uruguay, and I fell that I can comunicate with the people who speaks Spanish at less a little bit.
    • Now a days I'm really excited to learn Italian, it's sounding so beautiful for me.
    • I know that I need to improve step by step, because of this I would be so thankful in receive more tips from you that are fluent in English. See you!

Xin hãy chỉnh sửa từng câu giúp tôi! - English

  • Tiêu đề
  • câu 1
  • câu 2
    • I really love learning languages and discover more about others cultures different than mine.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I really love learning new languages and discover more abouting others cultures that are different thanfrom mine.
    • I really love learning new languages and discovering more about other people's cultures that is different than mine.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 2ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 2
  • câu 3
  • câu 4
    • I'm studing English since 2012 when I had some classes whit a teatcher that truly made me fall in love with English.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I'm have been studying English since 2012 when. In that year, I had taken some classes whith a teatcher that truly made me fall in love with Englishit.
    • I'm have been studying English since 2012 when. I had some classes whith a teatcher that truly made me fall in love with the English language.
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  • câu 5
    • I know that my English isn't so good as I would like to be, but in fell that now in 2014 that is the easier foreing language for me.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I know that my English isn't aso good as I would like to be, but incurrently, I felel that now in 2014 thait is thean easier foreingn language for me to learn.
    • I know that my English isn't aso good as I would like it to be, but in. I felel that now in 2014 tha, it is the easierst foreingn language for me thus far.
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  • câu 6
  • câu 7
    • Actually I started learning Polish motivated by my family that came from Poland some years ago, and I received some help of my grandma that teached me some words in Polish.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • Actually I started learning Polish motivated by my family that came from Poland some years ago, and I received some help of my grandma that because of my family. My family migrated from Poland some years ago. My grandmother helped me learn Polish by teacheding me somea few words in Polish.
    • Actually, I started learning Polish by motivated byion from my family that came from Poland some years ago, and . I received some help ofrom my grandma that teached. She taught me some words in Polish.
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  • câu 8
    • After I started learning Spanish with some friends from Argentine and Uruguay, and I fell that I can comunicate with the people who speaks Spanish at less a little bit.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • After I started learning Spanish with some friends from Argentine and Uruguay, and I felel that I can better communicate with the people who speaks Spanish at less a little bit.
    • AfterSince I started learning Spanish with some friends from Argentinea and Uruguay, and I felel that I can communicate with the people who speaks Spanish at lessast a little bit.
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  • câu 9
  • câu 10
    • I know that I need to improve step by step, because of this I would be so thankful in receive more tips from you that are fluent in English. See you!
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • I know that I need to improve, step by step, because of this. I would be so thankful into receive more tips from youpeople that are fluent in English. See you!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 10ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - câu 10