
Igman'den mesaj - English

    • First post

    • Hi, my name is Igman and I'm 21.
    • I really love learning languages and discover more about others cultures different than mine.
    • This is the first text that I write in English to be corrected.
    • I'm studing English since 2012 when I had some classes whit a teatcher that truly made me fall in love with English.
    • I know that my English isn't so good as I would like to be, but in fell that now in 2014 that is the easier foreing language for me.
    • I'm also studying Italian, Spanish and something of Polish.
    • Actually I started learning Polish motivated by my family that came from Poland some years ago, and I received some help of my grandma that teached me some words in Polish.
    • After I started learning Spanish with some friends from Argentine and Uruguay, and I fell that I can comunicate with the people who speaks Spanish at less a little bit.
    • Now a days I'm really excited to learn Italian, it's sounding so beautiful for me.
    • I know that I need to improve step by step, because of this I would be so thankful in receive more tips from you that are fluent in English. See you!

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English