
Text from ivan20 - English

  • Unemployment

  • Jobs are difficult to come by these days.
    • This is something we all here all the time nowadays.
    • We hear as well that the gap between the haves and have nots increases over the years.
    • The thing is, today is very easy to lose your job and being unemployed for a long time.
    • I know people who had been working in a big company for many years and they thought that because their company was strong and big , their job was as guaranteed as a civil servant job.
    • So what do you do if you lose your job when you are fifty?
    • You may hope at the beginning to find a new job in the next few months so they live on the unemployment benefit for that time.
    • Then after searching for a job that has something to do with your last one unsuccessfully, you start look for anything, because you are starting to get nervous, and the anxiety becomes more and more dangerous as your unemployment benefit is close to end.
    • Then you only have one choice, leave your home to try your luck somewhere else, but that means leaving your family behind and spend most of your salary, if you’re lucky enough to find a job soon, on your rent.
    • So this is the reality many people have to live with, most of them with no hope of ever finding a job at all.