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    • January 31th

    • Today is Friday, January 31th.
    • This morning we were playing to see ours eyes and keep the looking.
    • I see how is growing up my little cousin, she is 4 years old, she has weak a tooth, now I'm browsing how remove the tooth without pain.
    • I feel so proud for my friend because, she won the medal on the championship of the city.
    • I love the soccer, when I'm sick and can watch the Liverpool FC or Barca FC, I feel so good.
    • Lately, I fall in love about Chile because I see photos, I looked films and talk with guys and girls from there,and I've a invite to visit her country.
    • I like do Origami, the last weekend I went with my copine to the Expo to see and look things and I see for first time a earrings in paper, so cute, since then we learn together how to make it, up until now we do butterflies, hearts and flowers.
    • I love decore all things, I have some special scissors, can cut hearts, circles, triangles and other forms too.
    • I have much makers, always, always I bring in my backpack.
    • My brother is a good friend, he taught me how to be more focus in my things.