
Text from vaness182 - English

    • January 31th

    • Today is Friday, January 31th.
    • This morning we were playing to see ours eyes and keep the looking.
    • I see how is growing up my little cousin, she is 4 years old, she has weak a tooth, now I'm browsing how remove the tooth without pain.
    • I feel so proud for my friend because, she won the medal on the championship of the city.
    • I love the soccer, when I'm sick and can watch the Liverpool FC or Barca FC, I feel so good.
    • Lately, I fall in love about Chile because I see photos, I looked films and talk with guys and girls from there,and I've a invite to visit her country.
    • I like do Origami, the last weekend I went with my copine to the Expo to see and look things and I see for first time a earrings in paper, so cute, since then we learn together how to make it, up until now we do butterflies, hearts and flowers.
    • I love decore all things, I have some special scissors, can cut hearts, circles, triangles and other forms too.
    • I have much makers, always, always I bring in my backpack.
    • My brother is a good friend, he taught me how to be more focus in my things.


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • I see how is growing up my little cousin, she is 4 years old, she has weak a tooth, now I'm browsing how remove the tooth without pain.
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    • I see how is growing up my little cousin, smy little cousin is growing up. She is 4 years old, s. She has weakloose a tooth, n. Now, I'm browsing howsearching about how to remove the tooth without pain.
    • I see how is growing up my little cousin, s is growing. She is 4 years old, she has weak a now and has a loose tooth, n. Now, I'm browsingsearching about how remove the tooeeth without pain.
    • I see how is growing up my little cousin is growing, she is now 4 years old, she has weak a tooth, now I'm browsing how and one of her teeth is loose. Now I'm searching for a way to remove the tooth without causing pain.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • Lately, I fall in love about Chile because I see photos, I looked films and talk with guys and girls from there,and I've a invite to visit her country.
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    • Lately, I have fallen in love aboutwith Chile because I seefrom looking at photos, I lookedwatching films, and talk withing to guys and girls from there,and. I've agot an inviteation to visit their country.
    • Lately, I have fallen in love aboutwith Chile because I see photos, I looked. Mainly by looking at photos, from watching films and by talking with guys and girls from there,and. I've areceived an inviteation to visit their country.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • I like do Origami, the last weekend I went with my copine to the Expo to see and look things and I see for first time a earrings in paper, so cute, since then we learn together how to make it, up until now we do butterflies, hearts and flowers.
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    • I like to do Origami, the l. Last weekend I went with my copinegirlfriend to the Expo to see and look at things and I seeaw for first time a earrings in paper, so cute, since then we learn together how to make it, up until now we domade out of paper. They were so cute. We both learned how to make them. Until then, we were making butterflies, hearts, and flowers.
    • I like to do Origami, the l. Last weekend I went with my copinefriend to thean Expo to see and look at things and. I seeaw for first time a earrings inof paper, so cute, since then w. They were so cute! We learned together how to make it, up until now we dothem. Until then, we only made butterflies, hearts and flowers.
    • I like doing Origami, the l. Last weekend I went with my copinegirlfriend to the Expo to see and look at things and. I seeaw for the first time apaper earrings in papwhich wer,e so cute, s. Since then we have learnt together how to make it, up until now we dothem. Until then, we had only made butterflies, hearts and flowers.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • I love decore all things, I have some special scissors, can cut hearts, circles, triangles and other forms too.
      Vote now!
    • I love decore allating things, . I have some special scissors, that can cut hearts, circles, triangles, and other formsshapes, too.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10