
Text von ev9eniy - English

  • Mini Essay: Dealing with Stress

    • Nowadays, stress is a common problem in the modern world and people are suffering of it whole life.
    • I would like to describe my experience dealing with stress and ways how I the problems were solved.
    • Firstly, people are getting stress at their work; it could be problems with boss, customers and even commuting.
    • For example, some years ago I had problems on my work, because I had to solved so many issues.
    • A was communicated with so many customers, co-workers and sometimes they had a different point of view.
    • Therefore, to succeed in it, I changed how I manage stress.
    • As a result, I had pressure on me and opportunity to found the solution.
    • The solve of the problems for me was meditation and a visualization routine.
    • I was prepared for hard situation and was aware when stressful situations happened.
    • I usually immediately started to remember peaceful scenery from my life and I was thought that my body responded for that situation just helped me to took action.
    • Secondly, sometimes stress cause by relation with a family members.
    • In my experience, usually helps care of each other and long talking.
    • In conclusion, there are such many ways to get stress and to help with it people should care of relatives; Also, if it could be possible to use power of own imagination to make our self believe that nothing wrong with stress and it just body reaction to take actions.

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