TATOEBA.ORG Write a review about this language tool.

4 out of 5 based on 1 user ratings.

Tool description

  • Category: Website
  • LANGUAGES: mul Multiple languages


A large database of example sentences exist in different languages. So, you can search for sentence. Whenever there are any results, the sentences are listed with their translations in different languages.

This is open-source.

Don't forget to try searching in both directions. You can not only see the meaning of a sentence, but also try to translate a sentence into the language you are learning and see how you did.

If you want to translate, please first translate sentences by audio, because the translations may appear on sites which provide translations in an audio form.

I like...

Tatoeba focuses on public discussions about converting sentence structures and making sentences sound natural

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vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2022
great tool!